Do you have any questions regarding our website?
Below you can find a list with the most frequently asked questions.
Contact us if you cannot find a suitable answer.


Click on "My Account" at the top. In the menu that follows, click on "Register". Fill in the required information in the form and click on "Create Account". After receiving the details, Westdecor will perform the necessary checks, and you will receive an email indicating whether your account has been activated or not. It is logical that your account is not immediately activated after registration.
You click on "My Account" at the top. In the menu that follows, click on "Log in". There, you enter your active email address (with which you received/requested the login details) + corresponding password and click on "Log in".
To see prices, you need to be logged in. This can be done through "My Account" (at the top). In the menu that follows, click on "Log in". Enter your active email address (with which you received/requested the login details) + corresponding password and click on "Log In". Once logged in, you will see the prices displayed under the products.
When logged in, you can access the selling prices by navigating to the "My Account" menu (at the top). In the menu that appears, click on "Show selling prices". If they are already active, you can switch back to purchase prices by selecting "Hide selling prices".
When logged in, you will see "Availability" at the top of the product detail page. If it shows a green checkmark, the product is sufficiently in stock. If it shows a red telephone icon, there is insufficient stock, and it is recommended to contact us to know the current status.
When logged in, click on "My Account" at the top. In the subsequent menu, select "Account". On the next screen, you will get an overview of your account, with the available "Downloads" at the bottom left.
Files submitted must meet the following requirements: High resolution (min. 300dpi) (JPG, Tiff, ...) Adobe Illustrator (embed fonts) Vector EPS Vector PDF Adobe Photoshop Coreldraw (convert fonts to outlines) How to send? Via email, WeTransfer (for large files), USB (send by mail/drop-off).

Drawing module:

The drawing module takes a while to start up. Therefore, please wait long enough for this module to fully load. If it still does not load, we recommend that you restart your browser and try this again. Still not solved? Contact us at website@westdecor.be.
Depending on your browser, this list may not load correctly. For example, it is not displayed correctly in Firefox, but you can request it by clicking on "Font", and this will provide you with a suitable overview.
Only the font 'Katrien' can be made bold for Columbarium plates. This is due to machine settings, as some letters might become unreadable if set in bold.
Each font has its minimum size. This is related to machine settings, as some letters may become unreadable if they are too small.
Do you have different browsers installed on your device? Try to see if it works in another browser first. You can also try resetting the browser settings. If this does not work, temporarily disable your antivirus system to see if the issue is resolved. If none of the above works, please contact us at website@westdecor.be.
When attempting to save the design as an image/PDF, and you encounter a file with the name "strong_TCPDF ERROR...," there is an issue within your browser. We recommend saving the design file as '.txt' on your computer, which should work. Afterward, restart your browser and try reloading the design file. If this does not resolve the issue, we suggest trying it in the browser 'Mozilla Firefox' (https://www.mozilla.org/nl/firefox/new/), if you did not already. If none of the above solutions work, please contact us at website@westdecor.be.